Autoflowering Weed Seeds
Often ready to harvest within ten weeks from seed, autoflowering strains are speedy green sprinters with a few key benefits. First of all, they’re feminized to ensure only female plants, which is highly useful for growers who need to keep their cannabis cultivation as discreet as possible. They’re also very hardy, forgiving beginner errors and handling pests and disease with resilience. Plus, they’re small and stealthy, allowing growers to fit many plants into their limited space. Go here
What’s more, autoflowers are not reliant on photoperiod changes to begin flowering and instead transition from vegetative to fruitful growth on their own. This can be a game changer for growers as they can maximize their light cycles to boost the amount of energy they absorb (and eventually translate to higher yields).
Best Weed Seeds for Maximum Yield
The same genetics that make these weed seeds so fast and easy to cultivate also make them tolerant and resilient. They can withstand a variety of climates and are resistant to colder temperatures, making them the perfect choice for growing in Canada and the USA.
To get the best results from your autoflowering seeds, make sure you’re planting in nutrient-rich soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Water your plant regularly but avoid overwatering. Autoflowers have smaller root systems than their photoperiod counterparts, and they need to dry out between watering to prevent rot and suffocation. They require fewer nutrients than photoperiod strains, but they do need to be fed a slow-release fertilizer from early vegetative stages.