The discovery of affair sites can be devastating. The betrayed spouse feels a myriad of feelings: anger, guilt, betrayal, rage, sadness and loneliness. This intense pain and anger can motivate the offending partner to go back to their lover for comfort and escape. Affair recovery experts recommend doing everything you can to remove yourself from any situation that could lead to further involvement. This includes removing contact information from your social media accounts and changing your phone number, limiting work-related travel and avoiding close friends who may be a temptation.
While it’s tempting to chastise the affair partner for their actions, this is not helpful for the hurt spouse. Rather, the affair partner needs to be heard and understood by their spouse, says therapists. They must also express their remorse in an honest and non-defensive way. In addition, they should not shy away from addressing issues related to the affair such as their own insecurity and desire for something more.
Understanding Betrayal: A Deep Dive into the Emotional Impact of Infidelity
Affair recovery expert Jennifer Meyer suggests focusing on the future of your relationship instead of the pain associated with the past. She encourages couples to discuss their fears and concerns with one another in a safe environment such as a therapist’s office or over a cup of coffee at the local cafe. She also recommends writing down your thoughts and feelings. Having an ongoing journaling routine can help you process the emotions, as well as build intimacy and trust with your spouse.