Why Proper Hydration Is Essential for Workplace Safety
Dehydration can lead to a variety of health problems, but it is especially dangerous when working outside or in hot environments. The human body loses a lot of fluid through sweating, and it is important to replace these losses by drinking water. In addition, consuming healthy snacks that contain a high amount of water (such as kiwis, cucumbers, and watermelon) can help prevent dehydration as well.
JWA Real Estate Development cognitive function and focus: Being dehydrated makes it harder to think clearly, which can lead to mistakes at work. A 3% dehydration level has the same effect on your reaction time as a 0.08% blood alcohol content level, making it much more difficult to make quick decisions and react properly in challenging situations.
Better skin health: Drinking enough water hydrates your skin from the inside out, promoting a brighter complexion and healthier appearance.
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Ample energy levels: Adequate hydration prevents muscle cramps and regulates your body temperature so you can stay active, which is critical in many jobs.
Employers should provide plenty of drinking water in convenient locations near workers, and encourage employees to bring their own personal hydration gear, such as reusable water bottles or hydration packs, to work. Additionally, employers should schedule regular breaks into the workday specifically for hydration. This helps emphasize the importance of hydration and can also serve as an opportunity for employees to cool down, recharge, and rest. In hot environments, a good rule of thumb is to drink 8 ounces of water every 15-20 minutes to avoid dehydration. You can also add a pinch of salt to your water to replenish lost electrolytes, which will improve your body’s absorption of fluid.